Friday, July 8, 2011

The Makings of a Warrior ... know your battle!

*** WARNING = BORING $H!T AHEAD (But a good place to start ) ***

        Awhile back I came to a point in my life that I decided to start a self improvement project for myself. I had come to realize that the strong, knowledgeable, ready-for-anything, do anything dad that I had visualized myself to become; was far from the current reality. I had gone from being athletic, in shape, energetic, constantly training, and of general good morale. To being slow, overweight, tired, outdated, and in general not living as happy of a life as I wanted. So I took a deep look into myself and saw this one shinning truth:


        Once I found this truth about myself, I was set in motion. So I embarked on a venture to personalize a program of "personal improvement". Actually, less of a program really, but rather more of a philosophy or road map; to become the individual I wanted to be. For example, let try a little written exercise. Get out a pen and paper (No really, I mean you. Do it!) and I want you to write down what comes to your mind as the ideal dad, husband, boyfriend, or whatever you would categorize yourself as. What qualities, skills, traits, and so on would that "ideal person" embody? Go nuts! Maybe it's running a mile in 10mins or less, building muscles, good with cars, knows foreign languages, good with a guns, skinny, easy-going, etc. I want you to really put some thought into this list. Better yet start a list, then set it down and come back to it a few days later and read it through. Then make any revisions or additions you feel are needed. What you now end up with is a personalized list of what qualities and skills you feel are most important in an individual. Now here comes the hard part ...

        Now going to make a second list ... I want you take a real hard look at yourself and ask this question. What list items would an ENEMY of mine say that I have? (Sounds kind of messed up right!) If your enemy (yes we all have these, but that's another post) would be willing to give you the credit; then that means that the list item in question is not just a "hobby" or an "at-my-convenient" item. WRITE DOWN THESE ITEMS ON THIS LIST. It is all to easy for us to justify credit where it may not be do. Even with the "enemy view" approach you still may embellish a little. But in the true sense of things you only hurt yourself. If you hold yourself to be true and honorable, too cheat yourself by indulging in a premeditated lie will only hinder your "tactical" development.

        Now with your both of your lists complete; I want you to compare the two and create a "action list" with the items that are lacking or absent from the compared lists. I call it an "action list" because that what it is, an "you action plan for improvement". Now that you have done this comes the hard part. I want you to take some time with this. I want you to take the "action list" and rank the items in order of what importance "YOU" place on them. NOT WHAT YOU THINK OTHERS WOULD PERCEIVE AS IMPORTANT. You want a list that goes from most important to least important. When you do this; some thinks that you may wish to keep in mind may be:

  • Do you need to complete other list items first to complete others. (For example, being able to run a 5k probably would be easier if say you lost 15 lbs)
  • Financially can I at least partially fund this list item or will I be forced to skimp on it unless I save up enough before I start it. (For example, taking martial arts lessons but dropping out after a month because you can't afford the extra expense in your budget {you do have a budget right?})
  • Physically, am I able to complete or participate in the list item (For example, participation in a Spartan Race may not be a good idea if you just had a knee injury.) {Check out the link- Get pumped}
  • Do you have the patience to persevere through menial or boring tasks (For example, are you really okay sitting is a class room for hours so you can get a "basic" knowledge of a foreign language.)
        These are just a few things that you may want to consider in ranking these action items. Lets try this ... make your "action list" and I want you to put it next to your bed, or next to the coffee pot, or hell put it on the back or the toilet; after you have made the initial list. Once each day when you pass the list I want you to take a look an see if you would change anything. I want you to do this for a week say Sunday to Sunday. At the end of the weekend on Sunday give it one last go through and then I want you to sign the bottom of the list. (Yes, I said sign it) THIS IS YOUR CONTACT TO YOURSELF. YOU CAN NO LONGER CHANGE IT. DON'T DO IT. Now I want you to circle or highlight the Top 5 items on the list. THESE ARE YOU GOALS FOR THE NEXT MONTH, NEXT YEAR, NEXT DECADE, ETC. You WILL complete these items first before you can or will be able to move on to the others. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.  NO BULLSHIT HERE BROTHERS. Time to man up or pack up your balls. (Sorry ladies if you read that).

       In the next article we will discuss how the resources to come and articles that will become the building blocks of "The Tactical Dad Project" will help you to further your endeavours. "The Tactical Dad Project" is for a better term "all about you". I DO NOT HAVE ALL THE ANSWER, but we can all help each other to find them. In the up coming months I hope to add a resource page and a forum for this matter. Once again thank you for joining us here at "The Tactical Dad Project" and I sincerely hope that you will visit us again. Until then; stay safe; and never stop building the better you.

{End Note: I apologize for the grammar and spell issues at times.  I make ever attempt to read and read the article before they are post. But sometimes they get by. What can I say ... IT'S ON MY LIST!}

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